Hazardous Air Quality Ensemble System

Hazardous Air Quality Ensemble System (HAQES) is a real-time ensemble forecast of hazardous air quality events, such as wildfires and dust storms. Both regional and global models from multiple agencies are used to create the ensemble, including the NOAA High-Resolution Rapid Refresh-Smoke (HRRR-Smoke), Global Ensemble Forecast System Aerosols (GEFS-Aerosols), National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC), NASA Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS), Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS), and the International Cooperative for Aerosol Prediction multi-model ensemble (ICAP-MME).
The HAQES provides the forecast of surface PM2.5 (PM25_TOT), PM2.5 organic carbon (PM25_OC), PM2.5 black carbon (PM25_BC), AOD every 3 hours. The prototypes of HAQES products were developed by the George Mason University Air Quality Laboratory as part of the NASA Health Air Quality Applied Science Team (HAQAST). This product is funded by the NASA Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) project Ensemble Forecasts of Hazardous Air Quality Events over North America.

Ensemble Member Forecast Models:
NOAA HRRR-Smoke:https://rapidrefresh.noaa.gov/hrrr/HRRRsmoke/
NOAA GEFS-Aerosols:https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/products/gens/
NOAA NAQFC: https://airquality.weather.gov
NASA GEOS: https://fluid.nccs.nasa.gov/weather/
NRL NAAPS: https://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/aerosol_web/loop_html/globaer_noramer_loop.html
ICAP: https://www.mss-int.sg/vfsp-was/forecasts/icap-ensemble